Re: ADC Confirmation
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From: Teresa
Date: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 1:06 AM
To: ShiningLight1967
Subject: Re: ADC Confirmation
Welcome, ShiningLight.

I am so very sorry for the loss of your dear husband.

I would say you've definitely gotten some ADC's from him.

Several folks here have seen someone that looked identical to a much-loved, but deceased, family member. Sometimes the person looked like their loved one for awhile, then "went back" to looking like the original person. They called this an "overlay" of their loved one's appearance onto someone else for awhile.

The touches, hand-holding, vivid dreams -- all of these are contacts from your husband. When you first begin getting these ADC's, you often find them unlikely and hard to believe. We've all done the same thing! :)

Just believe that your husband is alive and well in Heaven, and start looking for these ADC's. They ARE real! He is trying to reassure you that he is fine.

About the "hot" room, sometimes when we are dreaming, even when it is about our loved ones, our subconscious mind "might" interject bits of information concerning our surroundings to us. Perhaps that is where the idea of the "hot" room came from? Just a thought anyway...

I don't think the hand-holding was wishful thinking. Folks have felt their loved ones sit on the side of the bed, or even get into the bed with them. One man related that his teenage cheerleader daughter used to run and sort of jump onto his bed while alive, then continued that after she passed. My sister had a very special kitty that she actually felt it jump onto her bed, and walk from her feet up to near her face after it passed -- just as it had done while alive. :)

Please read the book "Hello from Heaven" by Bill Guggenheim for more information about the many types of ADC's we can get! This website has info about ADC's, too.

Thank you for sharing your ADC's with us. Very cool and interesting and REAL! :)



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