Life After Death
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Links to web pages devoted to helping people during the grief process, including specialty bereavement support groups and organizations.
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American Association of Suicidology
A national organization offering resources for suicide prevention and the survivors of suicide (SOS). They provide a newsletter, a directory of resources for suicide prevention, conferences, and referrals to local SOS chapters.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is the leading national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education and advocacy, and to reaching out to people with mental disorders and those impacted by suicide.
Amputated Parents Page
Provided by Dr. Claudio Pisani, a bereaved father from Italy, in honor of his deceased son, Nicola. Lots of resources including other websites, message board, ADCs, NDEs, conferences, photos, and more.
Association for Death Education & Counseling (ADEC)
This is a multi-disciplinary professional organization dedicated to promoting excellence in death education, bereavement counseling, and care of the dying. Based on theory and quality research, ADEC provides information, support, and resources to its multicultural membership and, through them, to the public.
Bereaved Parents of the USA
A nationwide organization designed to aid and support bereaved parents and their families who are struggling to survive their grief after the death of a child.
Bereavement Magazine
Founder & Editor, Andrea Gambill, offers a wide variety of resources for anyone bereaved, via subscription. Also many referrals to other resources for bereavement support. A wonderful magazine, especially suitable for gift-giving.
Butterfly Bouquets
They offer 'live' monarch butterfly releases, as well as inspirational stories involving butterflies, including the entire Chapter 14 "Butteflies & Rainbows" from Hello From Heaven! This site is an excellent place to post your own inspirational butterfly stories too.
Wellness for caregivers of an aging relative, friend or neighbor. Their online support service is provided by the Caregiving newsletter.
Centre for Suicide Prevention (CSP)
The largest English language suicide information resource center and library in the world. CSP has extensive information on suicide prevention and intervention efforts and trends. They offer a newsletter and referrals to local support services. Whether you are working with a suicidal person or trying to develop a suicide prevention strategy for your community, addressing suicide is a real challenge. Yet we know suicide can be prevented. You, your organization and your community can save lives, if you know how. The goal of the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is to provide skill training that increases caregiver competence and confidence while improving community collaboration.
Children's Grief & Loss Issues
Today's children face grief and loss issues we never dreamed of.....death, not only of parents and family members, but of child friends...and not just "normal" death, but murder and suicide. This is the web site for Linda Goldman, a trained grief therapist, who specializes in working with children. She has written several books to help children and their families deal with grief.
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