Prayer & Healing
Life After Death
Books & Authors
Prayer & Healing
Scientific Research
Web sites devoted to prayer, spiritual healing, and meditation.
Distant Healing Network
This United Kingdom website offers many resources for prayer, 'distant' healing, with referrals to over 600 volunteer member practitioners, instructions for meditation, and much more. DHN provides healing for all people anywhere in the world at no charge to the receivers.
Meditation Station
The Meditation Center of America presents a website with much information for the beginning to advanced meditation techniques and resources. The Meditation Society of America is dedicated to sharing the joys and benefits of meditation with all seekers everywhere. One of the chief tenets of the Society is that all techniques of all traditions should be available to whoever wishes to know and use them. To help disseminate the specific "How-To" of the different meditations, the Meditation Station web page has been created with an intention of sharing as many techniques and concepts as possible that can be transmitted in writing. For those meditations that are best taught directly from person to person, all interested students are invited to come to the Philadelphia area and participate in one of the classes that are being offered at 4 adult education programs or sign up for private lessons with the instructor, Bob Rose, RNC.
Rev. Donna Conley's Arts of Healing Chapel
A ministry of The Alliance of Divine Love, of Osteen, FL, with chapters worldwide, founded by Rev. Donna Conley, offering healing arts modalities from massage therapists, nurses, many kinds of physicians, and the holistic society in general are working together to help those in need heal their body’s and minds in this spiritual way
Sandi Kimmel, Music Healer
is a singer/songwriter, music healer and storyteller who shares loving energy through her music, helping the world heal, a song at a time. Her recently released CD, Transitions – Music to Soothe the Soul, is intended to help make things a little easier through all of life's transitions – the changes, the losses, the challenges, the triumphs and the dreams that are part of this human experience. Learn about the healing power of music, hear the songs from Sandi's new CD, read articles on music healing and stories about following your heart, join the mailing list, order the CD, find out about her healing concert, Spirit, Story and Song, and much more!
Singing Woods
Deena Spear's website offers outlines of many choices for her personal and group services, including personal Energy Healing and Tuning, Workshops, her book Ears of the Angels, and more. Deena offers telephone consultations. As her book says: "Deena Spear's autobiographical account of her evolution as an innovative violinmaker, which ultimately led to her discovery that she could change acoustics by mental energy alone. With the audible instrument sounds as her teachers, she learned to use her unusual abilities in the healing of humans and animals. Deena and her clients describe some of these events. While much of this section is written with a light and humorous touch as Deena traces her sometimes inelegant personal growth, it is a very serious book."
Unity World Headquarters
Offers Unity's "Daily Word" inspirational writings and accepts requests for prayer.
Your Healing Hands
Michael makes his home in Las Vegas, NV. At a very young age, Michael Stellitano recognized that he possessed a unique spiritual gift. In his early adulthood, he began to utilize the power he sensed to heal the pains and illnesses of people he encountered. He has spent the past 21 years in the active practice of healing. Thousands of people have sought his assistance and have walked away relaxed, happy and free of pain. Michael does both in-person and remote/distant healings by phone.
Zen Hospice Project
Inspired by a 2,500 year old Buddhist tradition, Zen Hospice Project (ZHP) is a fusion of spiritual insight and practical social action. Begun in 1987, ZHP is now nationally recognized as an innovative model in movement to improve end-of life care. ZHP provides a spectrum of collaborative services including residential hospice care, volunteer programs and educational efforts that foster wisdom and compassion in service.
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