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Some of our favorite spiritual books and the authors' links to their personal web sites.
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A Swan in Heaven - by Terri Daniel
"A Swan in Heaven" blends thought-provoking narrative with stirring afterlife messages from a 16 year-old boy who began communicating with his mother telepathically after his death. What makes this account unique in the world of "channeled" books is that during his life, this extraordinary child was severely disabled and unable to speak. But after death his language was fluent and his words were insightful, inspired and eloquent.
Angelspeake - by Barbara Mark & Trudy Griswold
Barbara Mark & Trudy Griswold, co-authors of the widely acclaimed Angelspeake: How to Talk with Your Angels, The Angelspeake Storybook and The Angelspeake Book of Prayer and Healing, are internationally-known teachers, spiritual counselors, and angel experts. Their Angelspeake seminars have been featured on many national television and radio programs including ABC-TV's Good Morning America, CBS-TV's Leeza Show and Entertainment Tonight, and The Cristina Show on Univision, the Spanish speaking network. Their webnsite provides a many features offering support for spiritual development, including their monthly newsletter.
Backwards - by Nanci Danison
Backwards is the true story of one big firm trial lawyer's after death face-to-face communication with God/Source about the mysteries of life and death. Backwards shatters the age-old belief that we are mere humans, that fate determines our destinies, and that a task master God demands our obedience and worship. Nanci L. Danison, JD, brings the credibility of a trial lawyer trained to evaluate evidence to her account of the answers to our most pressing spiritual questions: who is God? Who am I? What is the purpose of life? Why am I here? What happens when we die? And how should I live my life here on Earth? She offers a "life plan" from the afterlife that originates in and resonates with our true spiritual nature, and provides step-by-step guidance on how to access and develop our Source-like traits in order to bring peace and happiness to our own lives and our planet.
Be Here Now - by Ram Dass
For more than 40 years, Ram Dass has been contributing to our spiritual, psychological, and social movements. His service work has included counseling the dying and those bereaved, conflict resolution, transpersonal psychology, and the art of conscious aging.
Coming Back to Life - by PMH Atwater
P.M.H. Atwater is an intuitive counselor, visionary, and researcher, has distinguished herself internationally for her ground-breaking research of the near-death experience and its aftereffects.
Dreaming Kevin: The Path to Healing - by Carla Blowey
Bereaved mother and author, Carla Blowey, offers an inspiring story of the healing power of dreams and after-death communication in reconciling the death of a child. Join Carla in her quest to interpret an ominous dream that predicted the death of her five-year-old son, Kevin, just hours before he died in a bicycle accident. It is this nightmare that heralds the many numinous dreams and synchronistic events that offer her forgiveness, healing, spiritual growth and new life. Weaving excerpts from her personal dream journal throughout this intimate narrative, Carla shares her darkest moments as a bereaved mother and her extraordinary encounters with Kevin as he reveals the mystery of his transition to the afterlife. Dreaming Kevin is an excellent resource that will affirm bereaved parents in their grief journey and validate their dreams and spiritual encounters with their children.
Dying to Be Me - by Anita Moorjani
In this truly inspirational memoir, Anita Moorjani relates how, after fighting cancer for almost four years, her body—overwhelmed by the malignant cells spreading throughout her system—began shutting down. As her organs failed, she entered into an extraordinary near-death experience where she realized her inherent worth . . . and the actual cause of her disease. Upon regaining consciousness, Anita found that her condition had improved so rapidly that she was able to be released from the hospital within weeks . . . without a trace of cancer in her body!
Embraced By the Light - by Betty Eadie
"At the age of 31 I died in a hospital after undergoing surgery. I journeyed to a beautiful world beyond this life. I met Jesus there, he greeted me with open arms and told me it was not yet my time."
Emissary of Light - by James F. Twyman
James F. Twyman is the New York Times bestselling author of 15 books, including "Emissary of Light," "The Moses Code," and "The Barn Dance." In 1994 he put the peace prayers from the 12 major religions to music and began traveling the world as "The Peace Troubadour," often being invited by world leaders and peace organizations to perform the concert in countries at war.
Eyes of an Angel - by Paul Elder
Eyes of an Angel is the true story of a mainstream politician who could not openly share or discuss the profound, spiritual experiences changing his perspective on life. Skillfully integrating near-death and out-of-body experiences in a way that has never been done before, Elder’s story will encourage readers to truly listen to their own intuition and guidance, striving to live from their heart centers, rather than just from their heads. A book of hope and courage, it can instantly change millions of lives. It will give readers of books like Conversations With God inspiration to create their own dialogue with their own spirit guides and God. Unlike any other book on the market, Eyes of an Angel offers a gripping first hand account of a remarkable spiritual adventure. Its story will keep you spellbound, while its message resonates deep within your soul.
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