Guest Book - 2004
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I found your wed site very interesting,I have not read the book. But I will do so. Sita Ram.
mount vernon, New York, United States
December 31, 2004
I lost a dear friend, Nathan Stevens, on Oct. 29, 2004. I am filled with an overwhelming grief for him and have had several instances of strange things happening, that I can't help but think it is him letting me know that he is alright. He was only 29 and left behind two beautiful children and parents and friends who miss him terribly. I do believe that we will all be reunited one day and what a glorious day that will be. Thank you for this site and I can't wait to read the book "Hello From Heaven"!
Thomasville, North Carolina, United States
December 30, 2004
I lost my father October 5, 2004. I was strong for my mother and siblings, but now the grief is becoming overwhelming. I want some communication with my Daddy.
judy loftis
December 29, 2004
We lost our 8 year old boy this september,2004.He suffered a genectic disorder Wiskott-Aldrich-Syndrome, and was going through a bonemarrow transplant when he had a brain haemorage.He was so brave in all the years he lived in hospital,we miss him so much and think of him every single day,his older brother and younger sister are still greiving badly for their wonderful brother Brendan.We have read Hello From Heaven, it has helped us greatly, Thank You.We know our little boys comes to visit as we find feathers and a lamp also flickers when the family is gathered together in the lounge room.God Bless.
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
December 28, 2004
I can't help thinking how different the world would be if everyone was aware of the possibility, the frequency, and the messages of after death communications. But most live in ignorance and so suffer so unnecessarily when a loved one passes on.
December 24, 2004
i lvoe this site, it gives strangers the chance to express feelings and become comforted by others. i'm only 13, but i've lost many people in these few short years. my aunt karen to excessive drinking, my grandfather to heart failure, my best friend michelle at the age of 11 was stuck by a speeding car. she suffered skull fractures,broken ribs,shattered jaw,broken limbs..and my friend jamahl at the age of 17 was beatin to death because of his race. my friend josh was killed in a car accident just a few days ago. his car ran into a pole and curved into a v around him. seans car was hit by a bus, but he managed to put his girlfriends seat down so she did not die, and stephanie,amy,and christine died due to street racing and hitting an overhead highway road sign. i miss everyone..i cant reach acceptance of any of it and i feel as if its my fault. i couldnt stop any of it and its so painful <3 savannah mariie
pasadena, Maryland, United States
December 16, 2004
My beautiful son cobi passed over suddenley in August 2004, he was only 5years old. He was my best friend. I have not yet read Hello from heaven but have a copy on order. I would like to hear from anyone that had a similar experience. I know that Cobi is still with me and that we will be together again one day.
Malaga, Spain
December 16, 2004
love your site .i havent read all of hello from heaven,but i plan to. i am so sorry that people have to suffer such pain,but i too have the same pain, i lost my 32 yr.old son on 2-2-2003 and i dont think i nor my family will ever heal. death leaves you with such a lost feeling,such finality. thank you for a great site. millie
West Virginia, United States
December 16, 2004
I lost my beautiful wife of 21 years, Janet, on August 16th of this year. Early on I thought that I could grieve for a while, recover, and go on with my life. I realize now that she was what gave my life true meaning. God Bless you for this site. Sharing and support from others who have lost and understand is so important.
New York, New York, United States
December 14, 2004
my son die not sure if i at times know he is near me many imes i ask for his help and find he answers me
east brunswick, New Jersey, United States
December 13, 2004
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