NDC experience
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From: Doris
Date: Sunday, December 09, 2018 7:43 AM
Subject: NDC experience
Hello, First I would like to say I am very glad to see people talking about their experiences now. Mine go pretty far back and at that time no one spoke about these experiences. So for many years I spoke little about my experience. Still I do not talk about it much. As I have read some of your comments, people just think we are grieving. And we probably are.
In 1973 during the delivery of my first child I had an experience, NDE I see it is called now. During the delivery I remember I am somewhere in the corner of the ceiling looking down on a hospital bed with three people on each side, I can not see the person on the bed due to the people around it. I am just observing this. No feeling or emotion involved. I remember nothing more til the next morning. I am feeling fine ready to go home. Doctor comes in and informs me "we almost lost you" honestly I did not think a lot about him telling me this. Just ok then, fine now. I made no connection to the experience I had.
7 weeks later I take my baby to church. I am sitting on the back row. I look down at my child and out of the blue I want to cry, do not know why. One week later, sunday, my daughter passed in the night, crib death. When I entered her room and realized she had passed I can feel her still in the room. I can only say she was waiting for me. I was so scared I never went back in that room. I was and am still sure it was her waiting for me. Few weeks later, we had moved, I was napping in the afternoon on the sofa and someone touched me on the shoulder. No one is there, but I know what I felt. scared me a little.
In 1999 my father passed, 5 days later my son passes, murdered. The experiences I have had sense this time have been a journey I am just now really piecing together. I am starting to recognize possible NDC experiences. Suddenly one day I smell like a human body, like someone after they worked. I for some reason am sure it was my Grandmother, she passed when I was 13. I tried to tell myself I smelled nothing, but out of the blue it happened a few more times same smell and still felt it was my grandmother. Thank you for listening.

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