Re: The life of a child
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From: Denise
Date: Saturday, December 09, 2017 12:09 PM
To: Teresa
Subject: Re: The life of a child
Dear ((Teresa))
And all

I have a special thing to daughters aware to her utter heartbreak about Gabriel. She is out of town and I taped a short video last night telling her as she (doesn't want the gory details but she wants brief updates on what's going on)--- I was in my car in a quiet parking lot after I had dinner-- I let her know this Monday morning the prosecutor and defense will both have an hour to make their final plea to the jury for either death, or life in prison-- around lunch jury should be going off to deliberations. At the end of the video I addressed Gabriel briefly saying may God rest your soul, Merry Chris in heaven.
Ok. So after I watched the video before sending it to daughter. Near the end of he video in back of me at the precise moment I tell Gabriel god rest your soul, there is in the video, in back of me above my head appears a stream of gold lights from above me going down, -- I said what the heck? And watched it half a dozen times even in slow motion trying to find what could account for the sudden gold lights at moment I give him a message. In the four minutes there's just the dark parking lot behind me, but as I finish it up and give Gabriel that message this flash of gold hard to describe but it's above my head in back of me and then streams down. I looked around at the parking lot and no neon signs, no way really I can explain it except I think in my heart it was his way to acknowledge me telling him "God rest your soul, and merry Christmas in Heaven"
My daughter sometimes doesn't say a lot but she believed it.
It as so sweet.
And I hope Gabriel everyday is Christmas for you from here on out.
I know now it is well with your soul.

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