Re: Missing my sweet love and ...
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From: ISOH
Date: Saturday, February 25, 2017 12:31 PM
To: Landon
Subject: Re: Missing my sweet love and ADC's
The IADC was discovered by Dr. Allen Bodkin. I've actually called the line and spoke to him directly before--the number is on his website. He is in Chicago, but he has trained other psychiatrists and psychotherapists all over the country to do it. I'd be inclined to do it with him since he seems to have the most practice and information on how to induce one, but that is not to say the others aren't just as proficient.

I also wondered why my boyfriend didn't call me prior to the act and why we talked and hung out the day before the suicide and had a pleasant phone conversation. The only conclusion I have been able to draw that he was very sick and in his skewed way of thinking he thought it was a loving act to take himself out of my life. He felt like a burden even though that is the farthest thing from the truth. He was a shining light in the darkness of my life. I think many times the choice to commit suicide is something in the back of their minds for decades even and in the split second they get the courage up to do it, then they act on it in a very impulsive manner. At least that is what I think happened to my boyfriend. I think he did it so quickly that he did not give thought to how it would so negatively affect his friends and family.

I do know you'll always treasure the time with your loved one. There will always been pain and you'll always miss them, but eventually when you think of them you won't be drowning in the grief and many of the tears of sorrow will be replaced with the happy tears of being blessed with such a special person in your life.


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