ADC On What Happens After We "...
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From: Snapdragon
Date: Friday, November 18, 2016 4:12 PM
Subject: ADC On What Happens After We "Die"
Hi Friends,

It has been quite a while since I’ve received any Hellos from Heaven, so it was wonderful to get a dream visit from my Dad.

In the dream, my Dad looked the exact same as before he got sick. I was the only one who could see him and when I realized it was my Dad, I hugged and kissed him. I held his hand and told him how much I missed him.

Without any words passing between us, he told me about what happens when we die, saying “death is the rising of our (spirit) energy”. I understood from him that our soul is confined in life, but when we cross over, there is no more confinement and we literally rise above everything and join each other in a loving union.

I asked him if that was Heaven, and he showed me how our spirit leaves the body to be with those who loved us. It made so much sense in my dream and I saw generations of love from the beginning of time that wait for us to be a part of that joyful celebration. I also understood that when we have things like sadness, anger, fear, etc., wrapped around our hearts, their messages aren’t able to get through to us and there are moments of silence.

It was such a comforting dream and felt as if my Dad had never left, but was with us all along. Lately, we have also adopted a little fur-baby shipoo, and I think having little Milo in our lives has helped clear the way for our hearts to hear these messages. Our little puppy has truly been a healing and loving presence in our lives!

Brightest Blessings,
Love, Snapdragon

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