Re: Nieces dream visit from my...
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From: Josies-angel
Date: Sunday, October 16, 2016 8:05 PM
To: Joe
Subject: Re: Nieces dream visit from my mom
Joe,I agree religion does confuse.I accepted Jesus as my Saviour when I was 12 years old and I loved going to church when I was young.I also tried a few churches when I got older but did not feel satisfied. I dont like to talk much about religion because we have our own concepts about it but I will share what I feel.

God is an all loving and forgiving being and he has allowed so many to have so many signs from deceased loved ones to let us know that indeed life does go on,not only that but in a new body and in a place so full of love and light. I think churches a lot of the time teach us to fear God and I dont agree with that at all,why would we fear God when he is all loving and forgiving. I believe we are all here to either teach or to learn. If you ever feel in a dark place,call on Him,call on Jesus,and call on the Angels.They are all here to help us.We may not get what we want but we will get what we need.

I think its great that your mother saw her deceased husband and she shared it,by sharing it helps those who may doubt that life goes on,it gives us hope.Joe,keep talking to your mother,she does hear you and in time I bet you you will get that wow ADC,by not trying so hard may make it even easier for that ADC to get through. Just be patient,it WILL come,remember the signs come in many ways,and sometimes in thoughts.When you are asking a question in your mind and a thought reply comes quickly and you know it is not your thought
most likely it is a loved one putting that thought into your head.
The morning that my beloved husband passed,I thought" I wonder if I should have turned his oxygen up?" Immediately the thought came "then you would have worried about that" I knew without a doubt it was my husband and he could not be more right, then I surely would have worried about that.

Take care Josie

ps: Joe you may want to scroll down and see some of the ways our loved ones connect,some people have truly amazing signs they have shared with us

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