Guest Book - 1997
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What a comfort the book is. I just wish I could talk person to person to some of these people. That way I'd know for sure they were not "made up". That way I'd know for sure that I'm not crazy.
Ellicott City, Maryland, United States
December 24, 1997
My only child, Shannon, was killed in a bicycle accident on May 3, 1997. She was my soulmate, my love, my life, my sunshine and my angel. I know that she watches down on my from heaven and I feel her presence many times. I have had many dreams with her and I know she sends me signs so I will know she is okay. I miss her more than life itself and I cannot tell you how much I loved/love her. I would have given my own live for her 110 times over, but I didn't get the chance. I will miss her for the rest of my life, and I know longer fear death, for it will join me with her once more. I know that she wants me to go on with my live and to find some meanining in it. The thing I can't figure out is why God wants me to be so alone. I'don't know what to do, sometimes I just want to die. I'm so tired of trying, I feel like I'm playing "let's pretend" most of the time, because people just don't understand that 6-7-8 months or years doesn't erase these children from your heart. I think about her first thing and last thing every day. I feel so lost and alone. She was my best friend, I will miss her forever, my heart cries out for her, every day my heart breaks again. Life will never be as much fun,
Berkeley Hts, New Jersey, United States
December 23, 1997
I recently lost my 24 year old son Jason, in an automobile accident. My wife, daughter and I have been struggling, with great difficulty in trying to deal with what still seems so unreal to us. Our children are our treasures, our future and our legacy. One can truly understand, only when they unfortunately experience this. I have a multiple page tribute to my son Jason, on the web at the http// website, which was created to enable people to share a little about their loved ones with others. This has been very helpful to me by channeling my energies in keeping my son alive through this medium. After finding your website and reading your book "Hello From Heaven", I have found it somewhat comforting and now have some new found hope that he is still with me. I think the work you are doing is very special and meaningful to many of us who are dealing with real life. Further, people like Rosemary Altea, James Van Praage, and George Anderson, who claim to be and have demonstrated their gift of being a conduit for the spirit world to communicate with us, are starting to get worldwide exposure and recongition through the various media and their "best seller" books. Your efforts are appreciated and supported by all of us in knowing and sharing the fact that many of us have had or will have proven ADC experiences. This I believe is just the tip of the iceberg, as over the years to come, with more efforts devoted to life after death research, GOD knows heaven's the limit.
Manalapan, New Jersey, United States
December 18, 1997
I read many of the stories here today. The loss of our loved ones is the most difficult thing one will ever endure in their life. The silence of the life that was once so much a part of our every day life is sometimes overwhelming. It is at the times you feel the most unhappy and the void is just to much that you should know in your heart that they are there with you. It is the same as when they were here in the flesh to lift you up, nothing has changed in that respect. Do you think God would ever take that from you? No he wouldn't. So I say to you believe and you will be hearing from your loved ones, Jesus say's "Ask and it shall be given" Believe as a child would believe. Let nothing come between you and your communication with God. He Really does love each and every one of us. I know from where I speak, I lost my 25 year old son Jason, Oct,5 /96, to a drunk driver. HE STILL VERY MUCH WITH US! God Bless you all.
Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
December 16, 1997
My sister April was taken from us suddenly by a speeding car on Sept 21 1997. She was only 26. I miss her so much at times it is overwhelming, It helps that there are places like this that I can turn to for help.
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
December 15, 1997
My wife and I lost triplets on 25 May 1991. They were less then one day old and to this day we are yet to heal from all the pain. We were lucky enough to have another child a son that has helped us to deal with our great loss. We are trully Thankful for the chance to raise a child that the lord has granted us. We miss our triplets dearly and not a day goes by that they are not in our prayers.... Thanks for being here for those of us that truely need somewhere to turn in times of need..
North Carolina, United States
December 14, 1997
I lost my husband and soul mate to heart arrythmia suddenly on Jan. 30 this year. He had just turned 39. I read and reread your book, "Hello From Heaven" over and over. It was the one thing that gave me hope and comfort and assured me I was not insane with the ADC's I had been receiving. I also had a vision before he died to warn me of his passing over that I did not understand until afterward. I also lost a sister in 1978 suddenly to a blood clot. She was just 25 and married 6 weeks. I am still hurting extremely bad and some days can barely go on but I have hope that life goes on. I am a skeptic by nature but the ADC's have been so obvious and with witnesses, they have been impossible to count as anything but messages and signs from my husband.
Pasadena, Maryland, United States
December 14, 1997
Lost my husband who was my very best friend, partner and soul mate for 37 years on 9/23/97 - 6:30 PM. My Bob had not been ill, a sudden massive heart attack took him away. He was a good man..truly an angel in disguise...battled alcoholism for many of his adult years however at the time of his death, through the grace of God and AA, he had been sober for 25 years. The outpouring of love and support was phenomenal...I met so many people he had helped that I never even knew. His good deeds were done without fanfare or expectation of recognition or reward. I know he is in heaven...and wouldn't want us to mourn...but we miss him so much. Looking forward to reading your book...if there is any way for him to communicate with us...I know it will happen. Thanks for providing this helps the hurting to share with others.
Petersburg, Virginia, United States
December 14, 1997
A great way to comfort a brother who lost his wife in sept.
Michigan, United States
December 12, 1997
I heard about this from my brother who lost his wife last Sept.
December 11, 1997
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