After-Death Communications
Hello From Heaven!
Terminal Illness
Spiritual Growth
A Course in Miracles
Books that report research on ADCs, as well as others that usually contain a series of ADC experiences with one particular person.
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The Birth Called Death
The Birth Called Death
The Remarkable Story of One Woman's Journey to the Other Side of Life
Kathie Jordan (Author)
From age 7 to 22, the author's deceased brother, Troy, came to her at night and took her on a guided tour of Heaven. During her out-of-body after-death communications, she learned about the purpose of life on earth, the meaning of death, and about how the soul progresses in the afterlife. Kathie is taken to higher and higher levels of Heaven where she meets spiritual teachers, including Jesus. (United States)  
A Father's Classic Tale of Love and Loss
David Morrell (Author)
The author describes the struggle of his 15-year-old son, Matthew, who dies of complications during cancer therapy. This bereaved father takes the reader on a remarkable journey of love, loss, and acceptance. (United States)  
George Dalzell (Author)
If you had asked George Dalzell, a professional psychiatric social worker, a few years ago if he thought he'd be talking with the dead, he would have said, 'no way.' Yet, when his close friend Michael, an airline purser from Germany, was killed, things started happening that permanently shifted Dalzell's "perspective on reality." (United States)  
He Blew Her a Kiss - Volume 1
He Blew Her a Kiss - Volume 1
After Death Communication from Loved Ones who have Passed
It comes as a brush of the shoulder, a breath, a familiar scent, or perhaps a gentle breeze when everything else is still. These remarkable sensations are all examples of our loved ones communicating to us after they are gone from this life-letting us know they are in a better place, and yet still with us. He Blew Her a Kiss collects dozens of such stories of after-death communication, in which husbands, wives, children, grandparents, and others, gently let us know that their spirit lives on. (United States)  
He Blew Her a Kiss - Volume 2
He Blew Her a Kiss - Volume 2
True Stories of After-Death Communication, Affirming Love Shared is Eternal
Have you ever experienced a sign from a deceased loved one that brought you comfort during your grief? Perhaps it was a familiar scent such as their cologne, a touch when you were clearly alone, or you heard their favorite song on the radio while thinking of them. Did they visit you in a dream with a distinct message, appearing vibrant and healthy again? These signs are referred to as After-Death Communications, or ADCs. Research shows millions of people from different races, cultures and religions have experienced them. ADCs bring hope in times of sorrow and show us our loved ones never truly leave us. The highly spiritual experience of an ADC is one to be welcomed and embraced, never feared. For many it is a source of comfort, acting as a catalyst in overcoming grief. Feelings of pain and loss following the death of a loved one are inevitable, but they don't have to be disabling. In Volume 2 of He Blew Her a Kiss, you will continue to be lifted up and enlightened by stories from across the nation. You will find inspiration and answers through true accounts from people just like you. This book brings confirmation and awareness to people who have experienced ADCs but were too afraid to express them. (United States)  
Beloved Visitors
Beloved Visitors
Cherie Sutherland has talked to many bereaved parents who have had the joy of after-death contact with their children. For some it has been a vision of their child happy in a heavenly landscape; for others, the healing sensation of a final cuddle, the sound of a familiar voice, a reassuring touch, a particular scent. In each case though, this visit has brought great comfort - and the welcome assurance that the beloved one lives on in another sphere. (United States)  
Halfway Across the River
Halfway Across the River
Halfway Across the River is a compilation of fascinating stories that detail Dr. Annette Childs's nearly twenty years of work with they dying. From deathbed visions, to messages sent from beyond the veil, these poignant tales offer a perfect blend of truth, mystery, and wonder. (United States)  
Dreaming Kevin
Dreaming Kevin
The Path to Healing
Carla Blowey (Author)
"Dreaming Kevin: The Path To Healing" is an inspiring story of the healing power of dreams and after-death communication in reconciling the death of a child. Join author Carla Blowey in her quest to interpret an ominous dream that predicted the death of her five-year-old son, Kevin, just hours before he died in a bicycle accident. It is this nightmare that heralds the many numinous dreams and synchronistic events that offer her forgiveness, healing, spiritual growth and new life. Weaving excerpts from her personal dream journal throughout this intimate narrative, Carla shares her darkest moments as a bereaved mother and her extraordinary encounters with Kevin as he reveals the mystery of his transition to the afterlife. "Dreaming Kevin" is an excellent resource that will affirm bereaved parents in their grief journey and validate their dreams and spiritual encounters with their children. (United States)  
Love Never Dies
Love Never Dies
A Mother's Journey from Loss to Love
Sandy Goodman (Author)
Having someone you love die, whether expected or unexpected, is perhaps the most trying, and painful situation we face in life. In her book Love Never Dies, Sandy Goodman walks right past all the analytical, psychological lingo to, as John Edward, renowned psychic medium put it - "light a path of understanding through the darkness of loss." Sandy Goodman has turned her personal journey following the tragic death of her 18-year-old son into a valuable guide destined to help all people who are dealing with grief over a lost loved one. Blending reality, personal experience, and compassion, Sandy advises the reader not to try to return to their "old selves," but to find a way to be comfortable with their "new self." This book is a thoughtful gift. (United States)  
One Last Hug Before I Go
One Last Hug Before I Go
The Mystery and Meaning of Deathbed Visions
"One Last Hug Before I Go" explores in depth Deathbed Visions (DBVs). Complete with the author's own encounters and those of over forty other DBV experiencers, this revolutionary work provides research information from the early twentieth century through the present. Included are: survivors' detailed accounts of their departed loved one's visions and final words; the survivors' mystical experiences and premonitions preceding a loved one's passing; accounts of seeing the soul leave the body; and after-death communications. These final words and visions from the dying provide a poignant, final farewell hug to loved ones, offering peace of mind and hope for an eventual reunion. (United States)  
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